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What is my purpose?! | My New Youtube Channel | Seattle, WA

What is this life we are living in?!

It’s wild.

It’s crazy.

What was my purpose, I had no idea?

I was so confused about what my role being creative. As a therapist I am still doing okay, I can still work, and I can still see and help people. But my creative outlet is lacking. Like….SEVERLY.

So I spent some time with my dog, my food and my brain wondering what it is.

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"This is..." Seattle Event Planning | Studio Life | Seattle, WA

Since moving to Seattle it has been such an adventure, and by adventure I mean growth, stepping out of my comfort zone and meeting incredible people. One of the most influential moments leading up to me moving to Seattle was meeting Carla Marie, if you’ve been checking out my blog you probably have seen her here before (HERE). I was on her podcast Side hustlers, which then leads me to this post.

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A Starbucks Journey with Andrew Coleman Smith | Seattle, WA

So, you are probably very confused by reading this title…. So lets start here.

I have this friend, his name is Andrew, Mr Andrew. Coleman. Smith.

Andrew and I met almost two years ago now, when I met Andrew he had just hit about hit a year on his fitness journey through doing Orange Theory and staying accountable on his INCREDIBLE youtube channel (You can find that here: Andrew Coleman Smith, Seattle Youtuber

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