A Photographers New Years Resolution | Hard Work Continues | Seattle, WA
What is a New Years’ resolution?
Well, it can be just about anything depending on what you want. However, as a therapist (my day job if you didn’t know this) it’s important to remember a few things:
If you do not want to be disappointed by not achieving your goals, or not quite making it all the way. Set your resolutions realistically, small enough, and enjoyable. Goal setting or resolution setting, whatever you want to call it should not always be set just once a year. New Years’ is just a great marking point for many people on “starting something new” or “trying again” however, we should always set ourselves small achievable goals every day.
Goals should be realistic because if we set a goal that is way too lofty, we will just be disappointed. So we cannot set ourselves up for disappointment. So if you wanna lose weight, then give yourself a goal you know you can achieve so 10 points instead of 50! and set them monthly instead of once in a year.
Thirdly, make them enjoyable. Because when they are not enjoyable we lose motivation, and of course, why do them if they don’t sound fun! So make them fun and enjoyable.
So for example, this year I want to set the intention to put more time into my business every week. Now, this is a really lofty high goal for me so how do I make it realistic and achievable?
I have to define what means most to me, getting likes on Instagram? putting out great content? Getting one inquiry a week? Well, for me it would be getting one email in my inbox a week from potential clients. How do I achieve that? Setting a schedule for myself that I can achieve. For me, this year I want to set myself the goal of one-two blogs a month, and one YouTube video a month. These are reasonable and achievable for me so that if I have the ability to do more, I can feel extra good about it.
Also, I set weekly and monthly goals in my planner. One time a year is never enough so to keep myself going and motivated without disappointing myself I make sure to set achievable short goals once a month.
So what are the goals you are setting for yourself this year?
Do more of what you love, with the people that make you happy!