The Blog

3 Reasons Why Headshots are Important | Branding and Beyond | Seattle, WA
First, let’s start from the beginning, what is a headshot? Well, a headshot is a professionally captured photograph of a person from the shoulders up, the photograph is cut or cropped in order to give focus to the person, not any product one is selling or background details. You’re probably thinking “okay so what’s the difference between a headshot and a portrait then?” The difference between a headshot and a portrait is distinguished with the model being camera aware and often looking directly at the camera with minimal posing and slight variations of facial expressions such as smiling with or without teeth and relaxing the mouth for a more neutral look.

The Ultimate Staycation | The W Hotel | Seattle, WA
One thing I strive to do, is to tell humans that its okay to love yourself. Loving yourself can be defined in so many ways and if your love language is “ADVENTURE” like mine, then this might be the post you needed to see today.
And with Valentines day around the corner give yourself a little love and this might speak to your heart….
One of the best ways to love yourself is to take yourself on a mini vacation. Vacation however does not have to mean jet setting and needing to power through Sea-Tac airport to try and leave the Seattle traffic. Because you can make a vacation into a stay-cation. AND have it be just as epic as you need. Fill that cup up with as much staycation vibes as you possibly need.
Branding and beyond | Leavenworth, WA
Am I an influencer?
No way! However, I want to help you and others influence the social world and beyond with amazing images of your product, or a product you have been asked to show through your own influence.
The Carla Marie and Anthony Show | Seattle, WA
This is the Carla Marie and Anthony show of Kiss 106.1 Seattle on IHEART RADIO….SAY WHAT?!
This shoot was one of my favorites ever, definitely a transition from my normal journalistic moody style. BUT I LOVED IT This group of amazing individuals were so much fun to work with.